Now this is probably the only day you're going to admit it (even if it's not true). But do you have the world's most awesome brother? I'm sure he will appreciate that sentiment! What brother doesn't love pandering to their ego? Especially on their special day! Here is a classic card displaying what every brother wants to hear. It is perfect for older and younger brothers alike and it's simple design means it can be to brothers of any age.

Printing and folding the card: To print this card click through on your browser. On the PDF page scroll down to the bottom you will see a customizable text box where you can input your message. If you need help crafting a great message for your brother, go back to the brother category page for some funny, cute or sentimental birthday wishes. Next, print your card and fold it twice over. There you have it, you're ready to give your new creation to your favorite (or second favorite ;) brother!!!