June Printable Birthday Cards

Thanks for visiting our page of June printable birthday cards. We hope you find exactly what you are looking for. See below for some interesting facts about birthdays in the month of June! 

Did you know... June has both the longest and shortest days in a year? This all depends on of course whether you hail from the northern or southern hemisphere! 

In America, this is the month where the June bug makes its first appearance! 

The word June comes from the ancient Greek word junius, which most likely derives from the Roman god Juno, the God of marriage. That's why, even to this day, June is said to be a great month in which to get married! 

June is also the month with the most extreme change in weather! In the northern hemisphere, June marks the beginning of Summer. However, in the

southern hemisphere winter descends at the start of June! 

What birthstone is represented in June? Pearl Alexandrite

 What star signs are represented in June? Gemini (May 21 - June 20) and Cancer (June 21 - July 22) 

What is the birthday flower of June? Rose (love generosity desire affection) 

Who are some famous people born in June? Donald Trump (June 14), Johnny Depp (June 9), and Ariande Grande (June 26). 

It has been fun collating these many interesting facts, symbols, and tidbits about June. We hope these will be useful for deciding what to write for your birthday card message and/or celebrating someone special day!