Free Birthday Card Quotes & Printable Birthday Cards with Quotes


Aren't birthdays so much fun? Well, not everyone likes to get older. But let’s enjoy the time that we're here and be happy to say:

"We’ve made it through another year!"

This page is full of the most inspirational birthday cards, full of funny and motivational quotes!

Below you will read inspirational, motivational birthday quotes, poems and sayings for the inside of your printable birthday card.

Quote - Life is precious. So let's enjoy life to the fullest! Laugh, love and be thankful! Life is an Adventure!

No Regrets - Live with no regrets. I you believe something will make you happy, for for it! We only pass this way once.

Dreams - Dream big and follow your heart. You have everything it takes to see them through!

Hope - One of the most important products one can produce for oneself or others is hope. With hope, action, and persistence all things really are possible! Hope you have a happy birthday!

Leadership - Life is a long walk, be brave and take a new path… only a follower takes the path of others… a leader makes their own new path.

Poem - Seeing a baby sleep teaches us how fragile life is. Witness a shooting star and we realize how temporary life is. Wonder at the sun rising and we feel how beautiful life is. Mourn the death of a loved one and we understand how important life is. Your life if is a precious thing. A Birthday is a day to celebrate life! 

Change - "The thing that makes this day special is you coming into the world... The next special thing is, I can't wait to see you change the world."

Growth -"As you embark upon another year of experiences and adventures, you will be better tomorrow then you were today."

Gratefulness - "Be thankful you get to live to see another year."

Encouragement - I'm so glad to see how much you've grown. You're special to me. Every year you do something else amazing." 

Advice - Don't complain about getting older because everyone didn't make it to be the age you are right now. Be thankful.

Our collection of free printable cards have been designed to inspire, encourage and uplift a loved one!

We hope these quotes and sayings have inspired you with the perfect wording for your printable birthday card! And hope to see here again sometime!