Kayak Printable Birthday Cards

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20 Best Kayak Birthday Messages

1) Do whatever floats your boat! 

2) Know you'll never be stuck without a paddle!

3) Confucius says: When life gives you rivers, paddle a kayak. 

4) Get ready for some canoe-da-ling later! 

5) You're the only man I can handle being stuck on a boat with!

6) You're still afloat after all these years!

7) To my nautical hero! 

8) Tell me where is the end of the world? 

9) You've been searching for a mermaid for years now. Yet I've been here all along! I love you my sailer. 

10) To a fish that disguises themself as a human!

11) Row row row your boat gently down the stream. If you're turning 21 don't forget to scream! 

12) Time to rest your weary sea legs! Have a great day!

13) Remember to keep a balanced life, otherwise you might capsize!

14) Keep on paddling, you've made it this far! 

15) Let's see what new frontiers await ye intrepid explorer! 

16) Try not to rock the boat too much on your birthday! 

17) Party! Let's rock out to "I'm on a boat!"

18) Never give up kayaking. You don't know how much I love your strong arms!

19) Got any room in that canoe?

20) Kayaking with a chance of drinking?