December Printable Birthday Cards

Welcome all! Delivering you the best and most beautiful December printable birthday cards for your next celebration! These cards feature elements that relate to the month of December. 

Below are some interesting facts that can help you craft the perfect December card birthday message! 

The word December originates from the Latin 'decem,' meaning 10! as originally there are only 10 months in the year until January and February were added later! 

December also famously houses Christmas day! The day many people think of Santa Claus and gift-giving. Historically, Christmas tradition began with Christians, celebrating the day as it marks the day of Jesus Christ's birth into the world! 

Oftentimes people born in September will receive a Christmas card at the same time as their birthday card! And possibly and unfortunately, one present that shares the spirit of both occasions :( But not to worry, they usually grow up better for it!  

Supposably the unluckiest day of the year is December 28. I'm not really sure why! Maybe because it's snuggled between Christmas and New Year's Eve, two very popular days of the year! 

Here's an interesting fact! According to ancient folklore, forest animals are able to speak like humans on Christmas Eve! 

What birthstone is represented in December? Turquoise Tanzanite Zircon

 What star signs are represented in December? Sagittarius (November 23 -  December 21) and Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

What is the birthday flower of December? Poinsettia

Who are some famous people born in December? Jay-Z (December 4), Nicki Minaj (December 8), and Taylor Swift (December 13). 

In conclusion, Christmas is the final month of the year, and finishes off with a big bang crescendo (usually involving fireworks in many parts of the world)! The last day of December culminates into an exciting day of festivities known as New Year's Eve! Most people tend to enjoy December because of this! 

December is a time of reflection on one's past year and a time to formulate one's life goals for the new year! It’s very common for people to make New Year's resolutions in the hope of success in the year to come! 

We encourage you to make the most of this month. Hopefully, our fun facts have inspired you to craft a wonderful December birthday message and give you some insight about those who were born in this month!